Archive for April 28th, 2010

How to Display Informational Messages in a Console Action

April 28 2010 19 comments

Editing menu console actions already have a method to display errors, but there isn’t any public API for ShowMessage, and that’s unfortunate.

Fortunately, by using Reflector, I was able to find out how Microsoft uses ConsoleMessage class to display informational messages in a Console Action. I’m not sure why this class is an internal class, but…

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Scripting STSADM with PowerShell

April 28 2010 35 comments

Recently I found myself in a phase of development, where I would try out some modifications to content types, notice that they weren’t what I wanted, and then re-do the entire web application from scratch to make sure my next modifications would be picked up by SharePoint. As you can probably imagine, doing that via the administrative interface got old quickly, so I decided I’d do my best to automate the process.

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